Monday, December 12, 2011

A Faerie Princess

I know, I know, it’s been forever and ever and EVER since I’ve posted a new blog. I have a good reason though! My next-door neighbor, best friend, and photographer, Lauren, moved an hour and a half away, rendering me photographer-less.  Sad, isn’t it? And I miss her too. 

School's also been crazy, but finals are finally over and all my grades are in, so I can actually start this up again. 

Luckily, my dear cousin Crystal is into photography and has been looking for a live model. She needed a model, I needed a photographer…the planets aligned….and this is the result. The blog is no longer just going to be about fashion (though that’s still going to be its primary purpose). It’s also going to be a blog about photography and cool things that Crystal does to my photos. The top portion will be the natural, normal(ish) photos she’s going to take of me and my clothes, and the bottom portion will be the cool things that she decides to do with them.

Hope everyone likes the newness!

And now, for the first part of the entertainment: ME. 

Here I am. The Nerd Faerie. 

I saw these two trees creating a "doorway" and instantly thought of faeries, sprites, and the Otherworld. And Spencer's poem "The Faerie Queen" (which I still haven't read in its entirety, but will manage one day). Naturally, that was how I wanted to portray myself, so I did :-).

Anyway, back to the clothes: this is an outfit that is simple, yet also really fun. It made me feel like a ballet dancer when I put it on (even though I've never done ballet in my life). 

The shirt is super soft, and the skirt has a nice "swingy" quality that I just love. I added black shoes, a black belt to differentiate between the shirt and the skirt, and voila! An outfit!


 I love the colors in this too - I wear this raspberry skirt all the time, and I think that raspberry and purple go beautifully together. 

These shoes are some of my very favorites - they're black, so they go with everything, but I feel like they're so much more than a basic black heel because of the tie detailing. It's unusual, and something I haven't seen often. The heel is also relatively low, and that makes them easier to wear.

Shirt: aerie by American Eagle Outfitters
Skirt: Gap
Shoes: Payless
Scarf: Pashmina from the streets of NYC
Necklace: Second-hand from Change Clothes Consignment
Belt: Second-hand from Change Clothes Consignment

And now, some comments by my photographer.

This particular shoot initially seemed doomed because of rain (water + camera =bad), but the weather worked in our favor when the actual rain cleared up, leaving a GIANT SOFTBOX…ahem, I mean overcast sky…above. 

This was my other idea...a cooler, more winter wood (and a little edgier) feel. I thought this one went with the shoot better, but wanted to keep the colors of the clothes true for the blog. The colors are a little cooler...I mean, as you can see...but not "out there."

We really wanted to capture the playful movement of her “swingy” skirt. 

Rebecca makes a fun and easy model because, not only is she very creatively involved in every shoot, she is open to trying anything, no matter how crazy! 

This time, that involved tromping through mushy, damp leaves while I climbed up onto a seven-foot ladder, backwards, for the “dancing” shots, in order to fill the frame with the cool Fall/Winter backdrop that nature (and a lack of motivation to rake) had provided us with. 

I think the results were really magical and fun-this is one of my favorite sets, ever. 

Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark II; Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS; Canon 450EX Flash, simple development in iPhoto. 


  1. So excited to be included!!! I'm looking forward to more!!!

  2. I hate to be that "internet weirdo" but I think it's worth noting that you have very beautiful feet. It seems people who notice/like feet are considered weird but they sure make a lot of different shoe types for you ladies. I would think we're supposed to notice.
