Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeee

So, Wednesday was my birthday, and I was totally planning on posting pics then, but it was so much fun that I didn't have time ;-). I'm actually going to milk my b-day for two outfit posts - one from the day, and one from the party. Guess which one this is?

I know it's a bit sparkly for work, but I'm a believer in the idea that you should wear something special on your birthday, so I chose this. It's still work appropriate (I think so, anyway, but what do I know?), but super fun.

These sparkly shoes (a.k.a. "my birthday shoes" and a.k.a. "my Sex and the City shoes" (Episode 83).)  are my version of the traditional tiara.

There's a story behind these shoes. I loved them at first sight, but hated the $250 price tag, so I waited. And waited. And went to visit them at least once a week. Finally, when there was only one pair left (in my size), they went on super duper sale for only $70! I'd also done particularly well that week at my second job waiting tables, so I decided that I didn't care how impractical they were - I was going to buy them. So I did. 

I also decided that it'd be a good idea to wear sparkles on my shirt and have them hanging from my ears to add to the tiara effect. Too much?

Nah. It's my birthday.

I decided to pair all the sparkles and metallics with this red pencil skirt. I like the shade of red it is - it's kind of subdued, and more like a burgundy than a crimson. I thought it'd be a nice combo with all the neutral colors, and figured it'd be a good fitted contrast to the flowy shirt.

It was a great day. A couple of my students even baked me cupcakes! And of course, I got presents :-).

I'll tell you all about the actual celebration later - I had it the next day, since my birthday was on a Wednesday and I had to teach at 9:30 the next morning. Early classes are not conducive to a fun time.


Shirt: American Eagle Outfitters
Skirt: Maurice's
Earrings: A jewelry boutique that doesn't exist any more
Shoes: Charles David via Obsession Boutique


  1. Happy birthday! I love all the sparkly-ness - if you're going to get all blinged out, it may as well be on your birthday!

  2. Thank you! That's what I was thinking too :-)
